Sunday, July 22, 2012

Wars Still Happen

Today's Reading: Psalm 68

     David is asking God in verses 1-2 to rise up and scatter those who hate God, God's enemies, like smoke in the wind.  Verses 3-4: But let the godly rejoice.  Let them be glad in God's presence.  Let them be filled with joy.  Sing praises to God and to his name!  Sing loud praises to him who rides the clouds.  His name is the Lord--rejoice in his presence!  Verses 5-6 describe who God is and some of what He does for us: Father to the fatherless, defender of widows, he places the lonely in families, sets the prisoners free and gives them joy.
     Verses 7-18 describe the trials and all that the people of Israel endured in order to get to the promised land.  The people of Israel were able to survive such things like wandering in the desert for forty years because God had a plan for them.  He was preparing them and protecting them the entire time.  He does the same for you and me in the midst of our trials.  Even when the world around us seems to be falling apart.  When we are scared and seeking shelter from the storm, He is there.  When we have come through the storm and have to clean up afterwards, He is there. Verses 19-20: Praise the Lord; praise God our savior!  For each day he carries us in his arms.  Our God is a God who saves!  The Soverign Lord rescues us from death.
     David ends this psalm in verses 34-35 with these words: Tell everyone about God's power.  His majesty shines down on Israel; his strength is mighty in the heavens.  God is awesome in his sanctuary.  The God of Israel gives power and strength to his people.  Praise be to God!
So remember when the wars around you touch your lives, God will be there to guide you through and give you the strength you need and carry you when you are weak.  For He cares for you no matter the circumstances of your life.  You are His child.

Power Verses:
Psalm 55:22
Give your burdens to the Lord, and he will take care of you.  He will not permit the godly to slip and fall.
Psalm 55:18
He ransoms me unharmed from the battle waged against me.

There are wars waged against the body of Christ, his believers and church, every day in every part of the world.  Please pray for those in distant lands who are fighting the good fight and sharing God's Word in a place where it is forbidden.  For those who feel the need to do more than pray, please check out the following website: to see how you can help further.  If we band together as believers in Christ then nothing can stop the spreading of His Word and the Holy Spirit from gathering us all together as brothers and sisters in Christ.

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