Friday, July 13, 2012

Planting A Seed

Today, I am taking a break from Psalms.  I read something this morning and just had to share it with you.  I know there are those out there like me, who were or are being raised by their grandparents.  Though you might not understand or appreciate them raising you, you will in time trust me.

A Faith For This Generation
Good grandparents have a growing faith.
     Remember all those chores we used to have as kids that the present generation knows nothing about?  Maybe you were the one to gather the eggs, split the firewood, pump the cistern full of water, or chop the ice in the icebox.  For most folks such activities are a thing of the past.  They belong to another generation.
     Grandparents whose faith consists of nothing more than a decision years ago tend to relegate Christianity to a past era.  "Sure, religion was OK when Grandpa was a boy," some would say, "but it doesn't fit us now."
     On the other hand, a grandma and grandpa whose faith is an active, growing, daily experience demonstrate a vital spiritual life that is needed in every age and era.
     A growing faith is one that is constantly learning new things about the Lord.  It is a faith that does not know all the answers but knows where to find them.  It's a lifestyle that seeks God's guidance daily.
     It's fairly simple to test whether your faith is still in the growing stage.  When your grandkids come over and the subject turns to religion, do you tell them of events and experiences that happened in the past, or do you fill them with thoughts about what's happening in your spiritual life right now?
-Stephen and Janet Bly
From How to Be a Good Grandparent

     I was blessed to have grandparents who were and still are active not only in the church but in God's Word.  It is so easy to take examples of faith like that for granted if you are around them daily.  But trust me, when you least expect it, you realize how much you have learned from them and how much you have become like them through association.  I have only come to a better understanding of their wisdom since growing up and having kids of my own.  That is why I believe I was placed in their home, to learn not only about God but to become closer to Jesus.  They planted the seed by their example and God worked it and watered it. 
     Remember Jesus' parable of the sower:
     Luke 8:5-18:
Verse 5-8: A sower went out to sow his seed; and as he sowed, some fell on the path and was trampled on, and the birds of the air ate it up.  Some fell on the rock; and as it grew up, it withered for lack of moisture.  Some fell among the thorns, and the thorns grew with it and choked it.  Some fell into good soil, and when it grew, it produced a hundredfold."  As he (Jesus) said this, he called out,"Let anyone with ears to hear listen!"

     My question to you today, whether you are grandparents, parents or just a kid growing up, what kind of seed are you planting in those around you?

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