Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Monica & Tabitha

     Today I read of two wonderful women, Monica & Tabitha.  One a mother and the other a giver to the poor.  Here are their stories.

Monica (CA 331-387)-The Ultimate Mom:
     She was raised in a Christian family but married a pagan man named Patricus who had a violent temper.  That must have been a rough start to the marriage.  But he later came to the faith of Christ.  They had three children, Augustine being Monica's favorite.  Augustine fell into a life of sin as a young man, which would sadly be considered the norm today.  Monica prayed earnestly for his conversion.  He then went away to Italy to pursue his studies (AD 383), college by today's means.  Monica, unlike most parents today, followed Augustine to Rome.  They then both moved to Milan, where Augustine came to the faith under the ministry of Ambrose and chose the celibate life of a priest.  Believing her mission accomplished, Monica set out for home but died while she was waiting to set sail. 
    Later, Augustine recorded in his Confessions stories of his mother's devotion to God and to him.  In the end, Monica's commitment to her son and to Christ helped to lead Augustine into the ministry and to become one of the greatest theologians in the history of Christianity.
-For more on praying effectively, read Matthew 6:5-18; 7:7-11; 21:21-22.

Tabitha (Greek name: Dorcas):
Her story is in Acts 9:36-41
     Tabitha was a woman from Joppa.  She was a crafter, making coats and other garments for the needy and helping the poor.  When she died, the apostle Peter was in Lydda.  In response to news of his healing ministry there, two men were sent to bring Peter to Joppa.  When he arrived, they were already having Tabitha's funeral.  The room was filled with mourners, very likely many of the people she had helped.  When Peter brought her back to life, the news of the miracle spread throughout the town. 
     It was because of Tabitha's acts of kindness that the people around her discovered God's love for them.  And after she was raised to life, they also discovered the truth that God has power even over death. 
     God uses great preachers like Peter and Paul, but he also uses those who have gifts of kindness, like Tabitha's.  Rather than wish we had other "more important" gifts, we need to make good use of the gifts God has given to us.  An act of undeserved kindness is the only "preaching" many people will ever hear.

Remember today that God loves you and so do I.  Have a BLESSED day! :)

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