Have you ever dealt with the feeling that you will never be good enough for someone? Or that you just don't measure up to someone's expectations of what you should be or that you just will never outlive the things you have done in your past?
Well as I was reading this morning I came across a devotion that just spoke to that part of my heart, the part that felt that I was never going to be good enough. It is from yessterday's evening devotion of Billy Graham's book Hope for Each Day.
...How did Jesus respond to this criticism and rejection? First, with steadfastness. He did not tone down His message, nor did He stop doing what He knew was right. Second, with strength. Ahead of Him was the cross, but He did not lose courage or shrink form what He knew was God's will. Third, with submission. When Herod prodded Jesus to defend Himself, "He anwered him nothing" (Luke 23:9). Only one thing mattered: fulfilling God's purpose for His life.
How will you meet criticism?
I will follow Christ's example. First by continuing to take care of my family, staying active in my church and doing my work because they are the right thing to do. Secondly by facing criticism with strength by keeping God's will in mind when people want to tear me down. And finally third, by submission, realizing God's purpose is at work in my life and that what doesn't kill me will make me stronger. Remember that nowhere in these verses does it say that Jesus responded in anger.
Power Verse for Today:
Phillipians 2:14-16
Do everything without complaining and arguing, so that no one can criticize you. Live clean, innocent lives as children of God, shining like bright lights in a world full of crooked and perverse poeple. Hold firmly to the word of life; then on the day of Christ's return, I will be proud that I did not run the race in vain and that my work was not useless.
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