Saturday, November 17, 2012

Simeon & Anna

The Holy Spirit was upon (Simeon) and had revealed to him that he would not die until he had seen the Lord's Messiah...(Anna) never left the Temple but stayed there day and night, worshipping God with fasting and  prayer.--Luke 2:25-26, 37

When Joseph and Mary took eight-day-old Jesus to the Temple for his circumcision, they had two unexpected but delightful encounters.  Anna and Simeon--well-worn examples of patient waiting--met them.  Both of these godly saints recognized Jesus' identity as the Messiah.  Anna and Simeon give us a picture of godly expectations in an environment ripe with expectations.
     Simeon was certain he would see the Messiah before he died.  We don't know how surprised he was to discover the Savior as a baby in Mary's arms.  We do know that he recognized Jesus and praised God for his faithfulness.  When Simeon saw the baby, he considered his life complete.
     Simeon's exuberance caught Anna's attention.  She was another regular in the Temple.  Anna's brief marriage ended in widowhood, and she had spent the remainder of her eighty-four-plus years serving as a prophetess.  Anna overheard Simeon's prophecy about Jesus and immediately adder her own excited words of praise for the Savior.
     Anna discovered that God can make every passage of life meaningful and useful.  The long years of widowhood were also fruitful years of worship and service.  Both she and Simeon dedicated their lives to God and were rewarded in ways we can fully appreciate only if we are willing to live the same way.
     As you interact with people at various stages of life today, think about the development of your relationship with God.  When you talk to a younger person, ask yourself, How was God involved in my life at that age?  When you notice someone older, ask yourself, How do I want my relationship with God to mature by that point in my life?

Lessons from their lives:

- God does give to some of his faithful followers a deeper insight and clarity about his plans.
-There were those in Israel who did recognize Jesus.
-Advancing age does not invalidate a person's usefulness in God's purposes.

Remember today that age doesn't mean you have to be inactive in God's plans.  God will continue to use you if you are willing.  You can still change lives, bringing people to God no matter what your age because in the long run age is just a number. So go do God's work today, changing this world until you go home to the next.

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